Tips for Brokers on how to reach Gen Z Home Buyers.

wholesale mortgage

Is your brokerage firm ready for the next wave of home buyers? Since 2005, FLCBank has provided wholesale mortgage warehouse solutions to brokers hoping to grow their business, and the Gen Zers could be your next biggest client base for real estate purchases. Getting to know how this group thinks will help you meet their needs and put them in a home they will love for years to come.

Getting To Know Generation Z

Understanding how different generations think and respond can help brokers and bankers serve them better. Generation Z includes those folks born between the years 1997 and 2012. Currently, the upper-aged members of this group are finishing up their college years and are considering home purchases. Gen Z members have grown up with digital devices in their hands and have access to instant information at the touch of a keypad. They tend to be well-informed and open-minded. In contrast to the millennials who came before them and preferred renting to home ownership, statistics show many Gen Zers are looking to buy a home within the next five years.

Connecting With Generation Z

To meet the housing needs of this generation, brokers and lenders need a firm understanding of what makes Generation Z tick.

Relatable Content: We all want to be careful of where our money goes, but Gen Zers are uniquely positioned to have watched their parents struggle with finances and hope to avoid the same outcomes. They’ll connect the best with authentic, real relationships. They can also see right through someone’s attempt to “be like them.” Watch how you incorporate this generation’s slang and lingo, and make sure you use it correctly — and sparingly.

Engaging Content: From TikTok videos to Snapchat, go where your audience is. Gen Zers thrive in these online social media environments and look for fun, informative content they can interact with. Since Generation Z is new to the housing market, your brokerage firm can use sites like Instagram and YouTube to share basic home-buying insights, benefits of home ownership, what to expect during a loan application, and more. Generation Z can spot a sales pitch a mile off and will click away, so remember to provide value and keep your content authentic. They also have little patience for sites and applications that are not mobile-device friendly, so be sure to optimize your content for the current tech trends.

Be a Trusted Ally: Gen Zers are not afraid of facts. They want to be included in the conversations, participate in the process, and understand all their options. With access to such vast streams of information, Gen Zers have become adept at filtering out authentic content from clickbait. They also appreciate content that gets to the point and does so clearly. Establishing trust takes time; connecting in ways that show you value their opinions and experiences will reap benefits for all parties.

Florida Capital Bank: Your Wholesale Mortgage Lender for Any Generation

FLCBank Mortgage, headquartered in Jacksonville, Florida, is eager to help your brokerage or banking business expand its horizons and reach a new generation of home buyers. Contact us today to establish a relationship with a wholesale lender that cares about your business goals and can tailor a lending solution you can count on.
